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Although we were both married to others, our connection could not deny the passion that burned within. Having had a few little get-aways before, we booked a nice overnight get away and brought in some snacks so we would not have to go out. As we got comfy and kissing each other our passion grew as a knock sounded on the door. I walked over and open the door to see Jenn, one of your close friends and confidant standing there with a wide grin with a small shoulder bag; she hugged me and walked in hugging you. I had met Jenn a few times prior and enjoyed her company and her sense of humour. Your mutual expressions told me you knew she would be stopping by. We chatted for a little bit while sipping some wine joking around and filling the room with laughter as a warm summer’s breeze blew in from the open balcony doors overlooking the scenic Falls. Only then did I find out that Jenn had asked to join us for the day in order to get out of the house and have a little break from her. Struggling to wriggle out of the straps of her backpack, she dislodged it and pulled it up in front of her face, crying aloud as the activity pulled at her throbbing leg and sent waves of pain shooting through her spine. She unzipped the emergency compartment of the bag and dug around until she found her flares and signal flags. She grabbed one of the flamboyant, neon-colored banners and opened up the telescoping stem, looking around for a place to plant it. Finding a small crack in the rock beside her, she jammed it in and returned to searching through her emergency supplies.She cursed herself for cutting off her cell phone several weeks ago to save money. What she wouldn't give to have a working line out to civilization right now ... She looked helplessly at her two flares and tried to think of what she could do. She had to save them until she was sure someone would see them. But how long would that take? How long could she survive, knowing that the nights would be bitterly cold,.
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