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I was twenty one and she was nineteen. It didn't take me long to determine that Brenda was quite uncomplicated. She had struggled to get through high school, mostly because she had difficulty reading. Her vocabulary was somewhat limited and her math skills almost nonexistent. How hard would it be for a suave college stud like me to get into her pants? I allowed myself three dates to seduce Brenda. I knew that she would be no match for my charm, wit, and experience. A year later, I was still working on that same goal! I don't know when I finally realized what I was up against. It had just crept up on me. I had fallen in love with Brenda. Her family was a close-knit, loving group. They weren't rocket scientists but they all worked hard, were extremely honest, and fiercely loyal to each other. Brenda had been taught by her folks to avoid casual sex and she did. It was simple for her. She didn't spend time worrying about what others would say or think. She always did what she felt was. We were both young virgins at the time, not knowing much about sex. It was also very difficult to experiments on these days as both of our parents were very strict. Her father would not let her take any boys back home, and would most likely be mad had he known she has a boyfriend. The little time we had together during week days would sneak around the back of the school and make out. It was nothing more than a simple kiss and hugs. We were very cautious on being caught by people we know and ultimately her father finding out. Every day after making out, it would leave us in a very lustful and frustrating state.Our first pseudo sex experience was through the phone. One night, we both couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to take a step further than just kisses. We came up with this idea to masturbate together through the phone. MJ was very timid and was completely clueless on how to pleasure herself. She didn’t even know it was possible and I had to use everything I’ve learnt from porn to.
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